Why video is a must in your B2B marketing strategy

We’ve heard it a bajillion times – content is king. It’s the centerpiece of an effective marketing strategy. Recently, the marketing catch-cry has become more specific, and video content has ascended to the throne. Have you ever stopped to consider why? And if you’re a B2B marketer, do you need to bother? Spoiler alert – […]

Be impactful and effective – 10 tips to develop strong integrated marketing

The success of creating effective and impactful integrated marketing campaigns to achieve your desired marketing outcome can be better secured by planning ahead and taking note of the following ten tips. 1. Establish the competition Who are your main competitive threats? If you don’t already know this inside and out, research your competitors. Understand where […]

Social Media Influencers – are they really worth it?

If you’re reading this post it’s almost guaranteed that you’re a social media user and undoubtedly you’re following at least one (or many more) social media “influencers”. From Hollywood celebrities to small town gals (& guys) who have amassed millions of followers influencers are becoming a popular component of the social media marketing mix. So […]

11 tips for improving your EDM engagement

Recently I decided to reduce the insane number of emails I was receiving every day so as each marketing email landed in my inbox I made a quick judgement about whether to remove myself from the database or to stay in the loop. Speed reading the content while scrolling all the way to the bottom […]